Maranasati. Film photograph, layered. 210mm x 297mm.

Natural Cycle. Film photograph. 2021. 210mm x 297mm.

Painter, Photographer.


I am a 22 year old painter from London, studying Fine Art at the University of Leeds.

My practise is informed by film and subsequently narrative through the modes of painting and photography. In particular, the narrative of an imagined character suffering from a terminal illness, who as a result is confronting death – a key theme in my work. In addition to this, I include ideas from my other interests such as spirituality and nature. Therefore, my work often intertwines these aspects and uses motifs from these areas to illustrate ideas about death.

Idyylic Bathroom. Oil on canvas. 2021. 500mm x 700mm.

Projection: Letting Go (2012), onto The Confrontation. 2022. Projection, oil on canvas.

The Confrontation. Oil on canvas. 2021. 1000mm x 1800mm.

Spiritual Reflections. Oil on canvas. 2022. 500mm x 1000mm.