Multidisciplinary Artist, LED Light Worker, Printmaker, Photographer.


El Chettleburgh is a 21 year old British artist based in Leeds, studying Fine Art at Leeds University.

Working class culture, capitalist disillusionment and worker solidarity are key themes within their work. Their practice is a way for them to process the world around them, the events of their life, and their relationship to space within a given setting.

El is also an avid journaler, creating an impressive archive of their everyday over the past years.

El works primarily with light including LED neon flex and LED matrixes, cyanotype processes - light is a key theme in many of their drawings. El is also an avid printmaker.

More of El's work can be found on their website; chettleburgh.art and their Instagram, @squidwardgorillagrip.

Previous exhibitions:

The Northern Quarter, University of Leeds. 14-17 March 2022.

Project DISTORT, The Old Red Bus Station. 28 April 2022.

The Body And The Things We Do With It, University of Leeds. 19 May 2022.

Left: Holding Onto the Gold, when Letting Go would Free My Hands. 2022. LED matrix, housed. 700mm x 120mm x 750mm.

Studio view: I HAVE NO MOUTH, AND I MUST SCREAM, LED neon flex on acrylic. 2022. 380mm x 1200mm.

Project DISTORT, The Old Red Bus Station. I HAVE NO MOUTH, AND I MUST SCREAM, LED neon flex on acrylic. 2022. 380mm x 1200mm.

The Mornings where the Sky looks like a Road, cyanotype series on paper. 2022. Framed. [4x] 300mm x 400mm.

The Troll, printed bone china plate. 2022. 205mm diameter.

I'm not a Twat, monoprint on paper. 2021. 148mm x 210mm.